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Oldtimers Recall Palmy Days ofSteamboating on Cayuga LakebyRichard PalmerThroughout the 19th century and into the early 20th century, Cayuga
Lake was one of the major feeders to the Erie Canal. Steamboats towed wooden
barges between the village of Cayuga and Ithaca. The following accounts were
written in local newspapers at the turn of the last century. The first account
was written as a letter to a local newspaper by George S. Humphrey of New York
City and
the year
all commercial
on the lake. The letter appeared in the Auburn Citizen on June 7,
1912. The second account is from an article in the Auburn Weekly Bulletin,
on Aug. 20, 1907. The final item included is a tribute to the steamboat Simeon
DeWitt that
appeared in the Ithaca Chronicle, on July 8, 1840, at the beginning
of its career. Auburn Citizen, June 7, 1912Letter from George S. Humphrey, New York City, June 1, 1912The information recently contained in the Journal to the effect that steam navigation on Cayuga Lake, as a business has ceased to exist comes with something of a shock by those, who, like myself, recall the days when the line of steamers plying between Ithaca and Cayuga, formed a very important factor in the means of transportation connecting the southern portion of the State with the central regions, as well as the East and West.
I feel quite sure that there are a number of people now living in Ithaca, who can speak from a greater and more accurate knowledge on this subject than myself; but it occurs to me that some reference to it may be of interest to your readers and also tend to draw from others further information in regard to a matter which was at one time of so great importance to Ithaca, and indeed the entire state. My own information dates from a poster in my possession, dated May 19, 1867, signed by my father, the late William R. Humphrey, as superintendent, announcing the opening of a line of travel from Owego via the ‘Cayuga & Susquehanna R.R. connecting the New York & Erie Railroad with the Albany and Buffalo Railroad, via Ithaca and Cayuga Lake,’ the journey between Owego and Buffalo being made in the remarkable short time of ‘about 12 hours’; but it is well known that steamboats were operated on the lake long before this date. While I recall reference to the Telemachus, Simeon DeWitt, and William E. Dodge, my own recollection goes back to the 60’s when the Kate Morgan made daily trips through the lake, leaving Ithaca about 7 a.m., reaching Cayuga Bridge about noon, and arriving back at Ithaca about 7 in the evening. The Aurora left Ithaca in the middle of the afternoon, laid up all night at Cayuga, returning to Ithaca in the morning. These boats carried passengers and freight and made several landings on both sides of the lake.
With the exception of the Auburn stage, at that time, the boats afforded the only means of transportation north of Ithaca, and handled all the business for the lake communities except during the winter months; they also carried the United States mails, thus making it profitable to operate the line much earlier in the spring and later in the autumn than was the case after the railroads were constructed on or near both shores of the lake. Besides the two passenger boats was the tow boat Sheldrake —a very important factor in the enterprise for in those days large quantities of grain were produced on the farms lying east and west of the lake and brought to the warehouses situated at convenient points, and thence loaded into canal boats which were in turn towed to Cayuga, where they entered the Erie Canal; or to Ithaca where the grain was handled in the elevators operated by the Halseys, and William W. Esty, and ground in the local mills or re-shipped by rail to Owego and points beyond. But probably the most important tonnage consisted of anthracite coal for at that time the D.L. & W. R.R. had no lines of its own beyond Great Bend. Practically all its product destined for points north of Scranton was carried by a trackage arrangement over the Erie road to Owego, thence by Cayuga & Susquehanna (which then, as now, was operated under a lease) to Ithaca, where by means of trestles and chutes at the Inlet the coal was loaded on canal boats which the Sheldrake towed to Cayuga.
All these boats were, of course, constructed at Ithaca, or some point on the lake shore. The engine of the Aurora was built by Treman & Cartwright of Ithaca but the others either at Albany or New York; I remember the names of Cobanks & Theal, and the Novelty Iron Works among the makers. The Sheldrake’s engine was very old, having been originally installed in a New York ferry boat. It had a valve motion of a peculiar design operating with a sort of snap or click watch that could be heard for miles over the water. I believe this was altered before the boat was finally broken up, but I wish it might have been preserved in the University Museum. The boats were owned and operated by Capt. T.D. Wilcox, a picturesque character, nervous, quick in speech and action, sometimes hasty in temper, but withal of a sweet and kindly disposition and who must today be remembered by many an Ithacan with sincere affection. The men who composed the official staff and managed the boats were all of ability and high character. Captain Goodrich, who commanded the Kate Morgan, of a trim figure and careful of his personal appearance, impressed me as a boy with a refinement and nicety of bearing which would have fitted him to command the private yacht of a Morgan or Gould. Capt. Chet Dryer of the Aurora seems, as I look back at him through the memory of years, to have been an ideal sailor, of a ruddy countenance, bluff in manner, sharp in his orders, and good to boys. Capt. Martin Ryerson, who handled the Sheldrake seems to me to have been older, and perhaps more sedate; but he enjoyed fun and was a good fisherman, as I can testify from having spent more than one delightful day with him off Springport. And what fishing there was there in those days. The mail clerk on the Kate Morgan was George Blood, a brother of the late Col. Charles H. Blood, and whose life must be a pleasant memory to many persons still living in Ithaca. And who among the host who traveled on the old boats can forget Billy Hatch and his famous chicken ‘suppahs,’ the enjoyment of which was well worth a trip ‘through the lake.’ As most of your readers will remember, the Cayuga Lake boats formerly landed at the ‘Steamboat Landing’ on the Inlet, near the mouth of Cascadilla Creek, where there are now numerous boat houses. When the steamer arrived in the evening there was great excitement. The sands in the Inlet at that point made the landing difficult and Capt. Wilcox was always on hand to shout directions to the officers in charge of the boat and to express his disapproval of an awkward move in no uncertain terms. There were ‘busses’ from the Clinton and Tompkins House, Ithaca Hotel and Watkins Exchange; the runners for these hostelries announced themselves in loud and vociferous voices. There were also ‘hacks’ of various kinds, the most popular drivers as I remember them, being Ad Norton and Josh Woodruff. Not far off stood the night train for Owego, great volumes of wood smoke pouring from the big bell-shaped stack of the locomotive (usually the ‘Lackawanna.’)
Although the scene was one of great importance, and I think there is nothing in Ithaca now to compare with it, unless it be the return of a successful Cornell crew. It is difficult to realize that the old warehouse has disappeared, its site overgrown with grass and the boats themselves a mere memory. Sometime after 1865 Captain Wilcox built a small steamboat named Ino, which it was said at the time, was constructed in order to utilize the engine taken from the long defunct Simeon DeWitt. She was designed as an excursion boat, but was cranky and did not remain long in service. Somewhere about 1870 the Aurora was superseded by the Frontenac and soon after the T.D. Wilcox took the place of the Kate Morgan. The Wilcox was the largest and most powerful boat ever floated on Cayuga’s waters, but the Frontenac was of better lines, perhaps only surpassed by the Morgan which was a beautiful example of naval architecture. These boats were in existence until very recent times, and there are many persons in Ithaca who are more familiar with their later history under the captaincy of the genial James B. Taylor, Captain VanOrder and others, than I am. In the early days, I think there was only one other steam craft on the lake—a propeller named Nellie Cartwright, designed and built by the late Robert Cartwright, who was for a time associated with the Tremans in Ithaca and who later removed to Rochester. He was an engineer of originality and national reputation. My recollection is that the engine in the boat was of an experimental design and was eventually broken up and scrapped—another historical pity. There were also ferry-boats operating between King’s and Kidder’s Ferry, and between Springport and Varick or Canoga. These boats were sloop rigged and needed sails when there was sufficient wind to propel them. They were, however, equipped with an auxiliary paddle wheel (on one side only) operated by horsepower transmitted by means of a tread mill; this method of propulsion was later superseded by a donkey steam engine, and for all I know to the contrary, these boats or their successors are being operated today. As intimated before the prosperity of the steamboat business on Cayuga Lake began to wane with the construction of north and south lines of railroad, not only along the lake but at other points, such as the Syracuse & Binghamton, and the Southern Central (now Lehigh Valley, Auburn Branch). With the acquisition of the S. & B. by the D.L.& W., and later its construction of its own line to Buffalo, coal shipments via Ithaca dwindled and finally ceased. The opening up of the great western wheat fields practically killed the grain business of the ‘lake country,’ and commerce of the lake almost disappeared. When the Ithaca and Athens Railroad was completed a short revival of the coal business occurred; but when the Ithaca & Geneva road was built and the two combined as the G.I. & S., and the line taken over by the Lehigh Valley, coal carrying on the lake disappeared forever.
In this connection it should be stated that many years ago great quantities of lumber were brought into Ithaca, and shipped by boat to Albany; the business having carried on water by T.S. and L.B. Williams and Henry W. Sage. This, however, was prior to the times to which I have referred. After the west shore of the lake was developed as a location for summer cottages, small boats like the Horton and Kellogg appeared and served a useful purpose, but they were of a different type from the old side-wheelers, and their history does not properly come with the scope of this article, interesting though it may be. And so, with the recent burning of the Iroquois and Mohawk, steam navigation of the lake has ceased; the old warehouses have disappeared, and the wharves are washed away, or perhaps marked by a few gaunt piles, sticking out of the water like neglected grave stones. I have just read an old Encyclopedia—Americana, published in 1831— that Ithaca at that time was a flourishing village of 4,500 inhabitants enjoying an active trade through Cayuga Lake. It is now, 1912, a city of some three times that population; what would have its fate have been had not Ezra Cornell founded the great institution which crowns the hill on which only a farm and woods existed when I was a boy, sailing down the lake with Captain Goodrich?
Auburn Weekly Bulletin, Aug. 20, 1907Traffic on Cayuga. Some Information About Old Time Boats. Before the Railroad