July 1994

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Note from the Editors

Circus season is here. Paul S. Worboys leads off this issue telling of the different circuses that have played in Honeoye Falls over the last 100 years. His story first appeared in the August 22, 1991 issue of the Mendon-Honeoye Falls-Lima Sentinel. Mr. Worboys lives in Honeoye Falls.

We reprint an article by Walton Williams speculating on the actual authorship of the Declaration of Independence. This article first appeared in the Hammondsport Herald in July 1906.

We report on the new Mike Weaver Drain Tile Museum located in the house built by John Johnston, the innovative and practical farmer who first used agricultural tile on a large scale in this country. The John Johnston house is adjacent to Rose Hill Mansion on Route 96A not far from Geneva, and is a property of the Geneva Historical Society. Merrill Roenke has had a great deal to do with bringing about and completing the museum.

The fifth essay in Thomas Cornell's series titled Iroquois Stories appears in this issue. He writes this time about the various versions of the "Dancing Boys" legend which was an Indian explanation for falling stars, the source of the first pine tree, and the origin of the stars in the cluster the Greeks named the Pleiades.

Leonard Wood contributes entries from Cornelius Younglove's July 1826 journal. July was a busy time of the year for a farmer. Cornelius didn't write in his journal everyday of the month. Leonard Wood, a great-great-great grandson of Cornelius, has saved many of the Younglove family diaries.

We start Chapter 16 of The Misses Elliot of Geneva. Warren Hunting Smith wrote this book 54 years ago. Farrar & Rinehart published it in 1940. A second printing followed that year, and it was printed a third time by the W. F. Humphrey Press in 1947. The characters are composites of Geneva personalities.

Next Issue

An article by Richard Palmer about the "Busy Bee" Ferry Boat that was operated for many years by Captain James Quick on Cayuga Lake will be featured in our August issue. There will be Joan Sgrecci's account and pictures of the DeCamp wall near Tyrone that took more than 20 years to complete and stands today as a monument to craftsmanship and perseverance. Also appearing will be Cornelius Younglove's diary of August 1826; Thomas Cornell's essay, Cracks in the Sky; and the remainder of chapter 16 from Warren H. Smith's The Misses Elliot of Geneva.

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