May 1994

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About this Issue

Note from the Editors

Robert V. Anderson remembers childhood summer life along the shore of Lake Keuka in the 1920s when his family rented and later owned a cottage at Corning Landing. Robert Anderson is Emeritus Professor of Political Science at Utica College of Syracuse University. He lives in New Hartford, New York.

Stephen Lewandowski gives us a step-by-step account of his 1987 Three Sisters Garden patterned after the Seneca Indian practice of interplanting maize, beans, and squashes, the Three Sisters. Steve Lewandowski lives in Naples, New York.

Thomas D. Cornell presents the third essay in his series entitled Iroquois Stories. This month he writes about finding the relationship of home terrain to the culture of inhabitants. Tom Cornell teaches at R.I.T. He lives in Rochester, but is an active member of the Bath Area Writers Group.

Leonard P. Wood contributes the May 1826 daily entries from Cornelius Younglove's diaries. Leonard P. Wood, a descendant, has transcribed the journals for publication.

The first part of Chapter 15 from The Misses Elliot of Geneva written by Warren H. Smith concludes this issue. Warren Smith lives in Geneva and wrote a history of Geneva titled An Elegant but Salubrious Village. It was published in 1934 when he was 28.

Next Issue

The June issue will feature articles about the Erie Canal: A Glimpse at Clinton's Ditch: The First Trips 1819-1820 by Richard Palmer, and The Great Water Bridges: The Story of the Magnificent Genesee River Aqueducts by Donovan Shilling.

There will also be the remaining part of chapter 15 from The Misses Elliot of Geneva by Warren H. Smith; Tom Cornell's fourth essay, Seneca Myths and Folk Tales, and the June 1826 journal of Cornelius Younglove.

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