January 1990

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About this Issue

Note from the Editors

This January Genealogy Issue begins an annual series on Family History. January is a good time, following the receipt of best wishes for the New Year from relations near and far, to dwell a little on family and ancestors. This issue is devoted to genealogy nearly entirely.

Ed Harris, a regular contributor with his stories about Dundee and its surrounding country, has written an article about the importance of knowing what our forbears did and writing down the stories of their lives and exploits for ourselves and our descendants.. Knowing more of our ancestors' lives gives us a feeling of admiration for their pluck and courage. Hearing of the experiences and accomplishments of their grandparents and great-grandparents and earlier antecedents gives children a feeling of importance and a sense of confidence in the future of their own lives.

Inez Albee writes of the challenge of discovering who your ancestors are. She traced her mother's name, Phelps, back to the Phelps family in Vermont and from there back to England in 1520. Mrs. Albee describes, also, how she documents family relationships and continues the family record for the coming generations.

Bill Treichler writes about a unique local genealogy group, the JOHOs. The group began with three Schuyler County women's interest in their families' histories. The group has grown into an area-wide society of collaborating friends who meet monthly to pursue their elusive antecedents. This genealogy issue of the Crooked Lake Review owes much to the work and advice of the JOHOs. The article gives glimpses of some of the member's genealogical activities.

Bill also lists books on genealogy to help you get started on your family history, genealogical societies you can join to meet other family researchers, and resources in area historical societies and libraries that you may want to use for tracing your own family.

queries of people who are looking for more information about names to enable them to complete a family history.

Bill Treichler tells how Leon Stiles has gathered and maintained Stiles family records that contain 140,000 names from all over the world. They are in his house right here in Yates County close to Penn Yan. Recording all this information and now moving it into computer files is a demanding endeavor.

several stories and items that tell surprising historical coincidences. "Long-Ago Letters" by Helena A. Howard and "Grandfather Clock" by George O. Miller.

Readers are invited to send stories of their genealogical work for inclusion in another special issue next January. Historical societies and genealogy groups are encouraged to send listings of their search sources and their activities.

Next Issue

Our February issue will feature an article on William Kirkland's boarding school for young boys that opened in 1829 in Geneva, New York. Our selections from A New Home, the book written by his wife, Caroline Stansbury Kirkland will continue with a long chapter about Miss Eloise Fidler.

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