Whoever has travelled thro the county of Onondaga, must have seen at
least half a dozen Stores belonging to John Meeker; but from the following
advertisement, it would seem that dealing in goods is but a part of the
business he carries on:
For sale, that valuable and well known FARM of the subscriber, lying
in the town of Tully, Onondaga county, containing two thousand nine
hundred and seventy five acres, of first rate land, on a high eminence
and pleasantly situated, well watered with durable springs and rivulets
of the best water in America. Seventeen hundred acres of land is under
the best improvement, and well fenced—on which are five good Dwelling
Houses, and necessary out houses, well finished, and an excellent orchard—the
remainder is excellently well timbered land.
Also eighteen common sized Barns in the best order—one good Saw
Mill, two Grist Mills, one large Distillery, one large Store and new
Ashery, all in good order for business.
Also one hundred Cows, one hundred head of young Cattle and twelve
hundred Sheep. — The Farm is capable of keeping double the quantity
of stock above enumerated. —
Also a good sett of tools and implements for said Farm. —
All of which is offered at the moderate price of One Hundred Thousand
Dollars—ten thousand down, and ninety thousand in nine annual
payments with annual interest; for which an undisputed title will be
given by the subscriber living on the premises.
Tully, April 5, 1817