July 1996

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100 Issues

of the Crooked Lake Review


Bill Treichler

The Crooked Lake Review first came out in May, 1988. Its centerfold was a simulated front page, with poem and story, from the April 28, 1874, premier issue of The Hammondsport Herald. The two women who originated that paper, Melinda Bennitt and Carrie Fairchild, were featured in an article, and there was a brief history of The Hammondsport Herald that was for many years produced by Llewelyn Brown. The first CLR had samples of news stories, announcements, humor, and advertisements from the first Hammondsport Herald, and also initiated a column entitled "100 Years Ago in The Hammondsport Herald" that carried items from century-old HH editions.

The second issue of the CLR reported on the Steuben County Historian's Newsletter, Betty Rice's talk and slide show on the Shakers of Sonyea, the progress up to then of the Crooked Lake Historical Society, and carried The Great Orient Buckboard Race, one column on the Hammondsport Glen and another with legal humor, both from early HHs, and chapters 1 and 2 from A New Home, Caroline Kirkland's 1839 book about pioneering in Michigan. An Events column in the center of the front page began in this second edition.

The third CLR featured a visit to the Oliver House in Penn Yan, and reported the publication of a book of Fred Amsbury's photographs by the Yates County Historical and Genealogical Society, and an exhibit in the Curtiss Museum of Canadian aviation paintings by Robert W. Bradford. The CLR became a monthly after its third issue.

Issue 4 announced the launching of the Keuka Maid and featured a visit to the Narcissa Prentiss House in Prattsburgh. Museum schedules were listed for the first time. The July edition also contained the Declaration of Sentiments from the first Women's Rights Convention held in Seneca Falls in 1848.

Number 5, August 1988, featured the Bath Fair with sketches of the buildings, a picture about the Pioneer Log Cabin, and a story by Richard Sherer, "Whatever Became of Carter Kingsley's Safe?"

In number 6, September 1988, John Rezelman presented the first of his many articles to appear in the CLR. It was titled The Apples of Steuben County. That issue also featured a visit to the Benjamin Patterson Museum with a story and with sketches of the rooms and outbuildings.

In number 7, October 1988, came Kera Sprague and Marion Sauerbier's histories of Cohocton and the Fowler family: Horace, Orson, Lorenzo and Charlotte, Lorenzo's wife Lydia and their daughter Jessica. Articles included Mark Twain's comments on the Fowlers, and the story of Orson's development of the octagon house along with sketches of six octagon houses.

John Rezelman returned with Local Livestock Marketing History in issue 8, November 1988.

In issue 9, December 1988, The Rockwell Museum Toy Collection was featured.

Number 10, January 1989, brought John Rezelman's history of grape pruning, and Richard Sherer's story of the Finger Lakes grape pioneers. One of those pioneers, J. W. Prentiss, wrote articles for the early HH, and his piece of August 9, 1876, about the beginnings of grape culture along Lake Keuka was reprinted. Also in January there were the 1866 and 1874 introductions, along with chapter 1, to Peter Henderson's Gardening for Profit.

The "Maps of the Pulteney Estate," and "Reconstructed Maps" prepared by Don Rowland showing the changing boundaries of Wayne town were featured articles of CLR Number 11, February, 1989.

Frances Dumas's long series on the Keuka Lake Outlet began in edition 12, March 1989, with a History of the Crooked Lake Outlet.

Frances's story of the Seneca Mills with illustrations and maps of the mill site by Patricia Rios came in the April 1989, issue 13. Also featured were Ralph Seager's poem The Outlet Trail and a map showing the trail, mill sites, and roadways.

The May 1989, number 14, contained a history and pictures of The Aisle of Pines.

In number 15, June 1989, came an a article, Of Beans and Beaneries, by John Rezelman, and stories about Ruby Cottage and The Stocum House on the lakeshore near Hammondsport. There was also Marie Cornell's tribute to Bath men Adam Haverling and Zenas Parker.

Articles about, and pictures of, both the "The Mary Bell" steamboat and "The Grove Springs Hotel," were in number 16, July 1989. There was more about The Aisle of Pines.

Then in number 17, August 1989, Ed Harris's first contribution, Husky Norris and the Wrestling Match, appeared along with Ted Ford's reminiscences of working with horses, "The Pioneer Cabin" and "The Pioneer Museum," and a profile of Richard Sherer, who had just refurbished the cabin and the museum on the Bath fairgrounds.

The September 1989, CLR, number 18, brought The Boss Digger by John Rezelman, and the beginning of stories from Ed Harris's book-in-progress, Harpending's Corners. Also there were Grace Mary Fox's story about the old castle between Avoca and Howard, and Shirley McNulty's first story about life on The Bluff.

Number 19, October 1989, featured The Franklin Academy in Prattsburgh and had the first picture on the back page; there was another Shirley McNulty piece, and a profile of Yates County Historian, Virginia Gibbs.

Number 20, November 1989, carried John Rezelman's account of Otis Edsall's Reaper, and Marie Cornell's story of her one-day trip in 1912 by horse, train, and boat from her family's farm at Oak Hill to Penn Yan.

Issue 21, December 1989, brought Shirley McNulty remembering Christmas on the Bluff.

The January 1990, issue 22, began a custom of featuring genealogy in the first month of the year, this time with articles by Inez Albee and Ed Harris, and pieces about the JoHo's Genealogy Group, genealogy etiquette, and Leon Stiles's work of recording the Stiles and related families world wide.

In number 23, February 1990, Caroline Kirkland's A New Home was still running with Chapter 22, Miss Eloise Fidler. A front page article that month was The Kirkland's School in Geneva with many items from the 1828 - 1833 Geneva Gazette and the Geneva Mercantile Advertizer that Eleanor Clise, who was archivist at the Geneva Historical Society, located for this account of the Kirkland's stay in Geneva. The other front page story was Caroline Kirkland and her Book A New Home with material from the introduction to the 1959 edition of her book A New Home.

Edition 24, March 1990, presented classical architecture and Greek forms in Western New York and featured the McCay/Balcom House in Bath. The series by Fran Dumas and illustrated by Patricia Rios was appearing regularly, along with chapters from Ed Harris's Harpending's Corners and short stories by Shirley McNulty.

In number 25, the April 1990, issue John Rezelman worte about yesterday's gardens, especially Italian style, and John J. Caprarulo wrote My Father, The Italian Gardener.

James D. Folts's John Magee and the Southern Tier Stage Lines appeared in number 26, May 1990, with an account and picture of the house Magee built in Bath, now the Davenport Library. There was also a profile of Jim Hope who had been historian for Steuben County. Don Rowland told of and illustrated with drawings the development and use of the Rutherford Take-Out, a vineyard cultivating machine.

The June 1990, issue 27, carried Jean Doran Rezelman's article Early Work on the Finger Lakes Trail and a map of the trails. There was also a transcription by Herbert A. Wisbey, Jr., of a newspaper account by Pulteney native F. C. Pollay about his experiences on Perry's expedition that invaded Japan.

In CLR 28, July 1990, Herbert Wisbey transcribed a taped interview with Alderman Gleason in 1968 about Frank Pollay and Jonathan Goble and their jinricksha. Louise Stillman wrote about the historic Village Hall in Montour Falls, and Warren Hunting Smith remembered The Chestnuts, a Rose family home along the west branch of Keuka Lake. There was also a description of Canandaigua and the country around by Samuel H. Hammond.

Number 29, the August 1990, issue contained Louise Stillman's The Little Greek Temple of Montour Falls and Ralph Wilkes's Our Old House in Branchport. In this issue, the series by Fran Dumas, Along the Outlet of Keuka Lake concluded. There was a selection about Penn Yan from Samuel Hammond's book.

Early Schools in Pleasant Valley and Hammondsport by Richard Sherer and Basket Boarding for School Girls in Penn Yan by Shirley McNulty appeared in number 30, September 1990, with Finger Lakes Churches Fostered by the Rose Family by Warren Hunting Smith, and more reminiscences of Keuka Lake by Hammond.

In issue 31, October 1990, was the first of A. G. Hilbert's account of the Pre-Emption Line, and Merle Wheaton's article on Delano D. Cottrell.

The November 1990, issue number 32, continued A. G. Hilbert's series on the Pre-Emption Line with Fraud, Error, or Hard Liquor. Louise Stillman's series on the historic buildings of Montour Falls also continued with her article, The Havana Literary Society and the Montour Falls Memorial Library.

The December 1990, edition number 33, had Vi Gunderman's reminiscences of Christmas at Bancroft Lake Farm, and the Night After Christmas, a parody from Godey's Lady's Book and Magazine of 1861 on Clement Moore's famous poem. There was more on the Pre-Emption Line with an 1803 map showing both lines.

Number 34, January 1991, featured Genealogy 101 by E. R. Van Etten and a report of the Jo-Ho's activities in 1990 by Helena Howard. There were stories of early families and times by Ed Harris, Betty Smalley, Catherine Pierce, and Jeanette Denson. Genealogy resources at Steele Memorial Library in Elmira and the Family History Center in Horseheads were listed. Robert F. McNamara's story of his father, "Old-Style Family Physician: Corning's 'Doc Mac,'" began in this issue.

CLR 35 published Robert Koch's "An Iroquois New Year's Celebration," A. G. Hilbert's "Fourteen Minutes in the Southern Tier," and a tribute to archaeologist William A. Ritchie with a chart of the sequence of Indian Culture in Central New York and a map of major archaeological sites. Kay F. Wilson's "Early Keuka Winters," and "A Little Winter Story" from Ed Harris's Harpending's Corners were also in the February 1991, CLR.

In number 36, March 1991, came "Wampum and Bones" by Robert Koch, more on Southern Tier history by A. G. Hilbert, a tribute to Phyllis Martin and her work at the Ben Patterson Museum, another story by Ed Harris, Shirley McNulty's "Life and Death on Bluff Point," and chapter three of Robert McNamara's "Doc Mac." Caroline Kirkland's book was continuing.

The April 1991, number 37, issue featured "The Garden Battlefield: An Historic Overview" by John Rezelman, and "The Elusinian Mysteries and the Patrons of Husbandry," by Don Rowland telling the story of Francis McDowell and the beginnings of the Grange movement. There was "Indian Land Claims" by Robert Koch, Ed Harris's tale of his trip to the Chicago World's Fair, and the final chapter of Robert McNamara's tribute to his father.

Issue number 38, May 1991, carried Bill Kauffman's "Back to Batavia" reprinted from The American Scholar and an excerpt from Ansel McCall's historical address for the 1893 Bath centennial with a map of Bath in 1804.

In June 1991, edition 39, came the first part of a series from the diary of Will S. Gerity about an 1870 camping and fishing outing on Keuka Lake of young men from Elmira. It was introduced and edited by Herbert Wisbey. The same issue also had "Going Places Ever Faster" by Robert Koch, the conclusion of "Back to Batavia," more from Harpending's Corners, a piece on the Schwarzenbach Memorial Fountain, and "The Death of the Bee Hunter" from A New Home.

Barbara Bell wrote about Irelandville in number 40, the July 1991, issue. A. G. Hilbert's article on The Forbidden Trail and his map of the trail were also in this CLR. "The Canandaigua Treaty of 1794" by Robert Koch appeared and more from "Camping on Lake Keuka, 1870."

The August 1991, issue 41, contained articles on two famous houses: one by Gloria S. Tillman on Henry Rose's Hampstead, and one by Louise Stillman on Charles Cook's commercial building, Montour House. The same month had Warren Hunting Smith's "Matriarchies Amid the Finger Lakes," Robert Koch's "Cows and Milk in Rochester," the third installment of Gerity's 1870 diary edited by Herbert Wisbey, and a sketch by Rufus R. Wilson on the life of "Bob" Ingersoll from the March 16, 1890, Elmira Telegram.

In the September 1991, issue 42 appeared an account of Charles Lyell's 1841 tour of Steuben County written by Thomas D. Cornell. Robert Koch wrote about two pioneering women doctors: Elizabeth Blackwell and Sarah Dolley. Virginia Gibbs furnished for reprinting the manuscript of John McMath's recollections of the grape business as told to Frank Swann.

In Number 43, October, 1991, came "By Their Books, Ye Shall Know Them" by Robert Koch, and "New York vs. New York" by Bill Kauffman reprinted from Chronicles magazine published by The Rockford Institute. Rufus Wilson's 1890 piece on "Bob" Ingersoll was followed with a note by Herb Wisbey identifying Rufus Rockwell Wilson. Ed Harris's story "Dynamite on the Hill" was in this issue that also carried a tribute to and picture of Alfred G. "Chick" Hilbert on the back page.

In number 44, November 1991, is Part I of "The Rifle and the Rifleman" by Robert F. McNamara, A. G. Hilbert's "The Food Plants We Have Inherited," a profile of Don Rowland, and "Rochester Publications, II" by Robert Koch, more of John McMath's recollections, and chapters from Harpending's Corners and A New Home.

The December 1991, CLR 45 featured "Christmas in 19th Century Rochester" by Robert Koch and a story from St. Nicholas of 1876 by Sarah Winter Kellogg.

"Genealogy 201" by E. R. Van Etten came in CLR 46, January 1992, and a report on the Rochester Genealogical Society. Ed Harris's "Catapulted Rail Cars" was in the same issue along with Robert Koch's story of newspaper woman Little Nellie Williams.

February 1992, edition 47, brought a tribute to Henry Clune on his 102nd birthday by Robert Koch and an article by Bill Kauffman reprinted from Chronicles entitled "Henry and Louise in the Lair de Clune" There was also a review of Clune's book The Genesee by Bob Koch. In this issue began the 1842 diary of Josephine Matilda deZeng who lived in Geneva. Eleanor Clise furnished the diary and a report on Josephine's family and the history of the diary. Robert McNamara's story of The Rockwell Museum's Henry rifle and Edmund O'Dwyer ended in this issue.

The March 1992, issue, number 48, carried "Red Jacket, Seneca Orator" by Robert Koch and the story and a picture of the Red Jacket medal from the February, 1886, Harper's New Monthly Magazine.

Number 49, April 1992, brought "Reminiscences of a 1915 Centenarian" by Robert Koch and "Torrey Truth and Trivia" by Town of Torrey Historian Betty F. Smalley. There was more of Miss deZeng's diary, another chapter from Harpending's Corners, an account of Rev. J. Goble from an 1876 Hammondsport Herald, the final chapter "A Fond Farewell" from Caroline Kirkland's A New Home, and a fond farewell to Caroline Kirkland. There was also a reprint of George William Curtis's Chickering Hall Lecture "Women in Old and New Times." Short biographies of the 1992 class of the Steuben County Hall of Fame were on the back page.

Number 50, May 1992, brought "Baseball Stories from Right Around Here" and "The Curveball Enters Rochester Baseball" both by Robert Koch, and "Mower Power" by John Rezelman. Ed Harris's story about, and a picture of, raising the dredge is also in this CLR.

"Joe Kane Remembers the Flood of 1972 in Painted Post" as told to Amy Fowler came in issue 51, June, 1992, along with "Horse Cars and Trolleys" by Bob Koch. TCLR also visited the New York Museum of Transportation this month.

Number 52, July 1992, brought "Blue Ribbons vs. Red" by J. Sheldon Fisher from his book The Groaning Tree. Also from the same book was "The Great Trolley and Train Race" which accompanied "Interurban Electric Trolley Cars" by Robert Koch. There was a report this month about the Curtiss Museum moving to a new location.

Number 53, the August 1992, issue featured Kenneth C. Fish, "The Genesee River Tinsmith." There was a report also of the 32nd Pageant of Steam, and an article by Robert Koch on George B. Selden's "Road Engine." From the HH there was a story about the Orchestrion and Orchestrion Hall in Hammondsport.

Herbert Wisbey's story "Guyanoga: The Indian Born From A Cider Barrel" came in number 54, September 1992. along with a chapter, "Canandaigua: A Stagecoach Town," from Richard Palmer's Old Line Mail, Stagecoach Days in Upstate New York, 1790 - 1840. Robert Koch's piece "George P. Decker and Chief Deskaheh" was also in this issue.

The 1890 recollections by Huldah Barnes Davis of Jemima Wilkinson with an explanation by Herbert Wisbey, and a series on Charles C. Corwin by Robert F. McNamara came in issue 55, October, 1992. Robert Koch also contributed an article on potash production in early Western New York.

John Rezelman wrote about village barns in the November 1992, issue 56, and J. Sheldon Fisher's chapter on horse thievery from his book The Groaning Tree appeared along with a piece on the Mutual Horse Vigilance Society of Corning. Robert Koch told what a real Rochester Thanksgiving Day was like. Tom Cornell reviewed E. C. Pielou's book After the Ice Age.

In the December 1992, issue, number 57, Bob Koch's three-part story of Henry A. Ward began, and Richard Palmer wrote of his memories of Roseland Park in Canandaigua. Beginning in this issue with the introduction and Chapter 1 was the serialization of Warren Hunting Smith's The Misses Elliot of Geneva.

Issue 58. January 1993, brought E. R. Van Etten's "Genealogy 301" and "Family Stories" by Inez Albee. Part one of "The Story of Joe Rosenkrans, Steuben County's Most Famous Crook" written by James D. Folts started this month. The first part of Betty Smalley's story of the overland trip from Massachusetts to Pulteney in 1813 of Edward and Martha Prentiss with eight children also appeared. "The History of Bath for Fifty Years" from Ansel McCall's Centennial Historical Address filled one column.

Bill Kauffman profile, "Warren Hunting Smith, The Quintessential Genevan" appeared in the February 1993, CLR 59. Ed Harris's story "A New Hartford Day" was in this issue.

In number 60, March 1993, began a series on the history of barns by John Rezelman. The first installment was "The Pioneer Barn." On the back page was a drawing of Richard Hamilton's model of an English type three-bay barn. Robert Koch wrote about salt in Western New York at Onandaga, and Betty Smalley wrote more about the children of Edward and Martha Prentiss. There was another installment of the "History of Bath for Fifty Years." by Ansel McCall.

Reprinted in number 61, April 1993, from New York History published by the New York State Historical Society was Bill Kauffman's "Walter Edmonds: Our Stalwart." John Rezelman wrote about the Nineteenth Century Barn, and Bob Koch wrote about salt at Retsof. James Folts's tale of Joe Rosenkrans concluded this month. Ansel McCall's Bath history was continuing every month as well as Warren Hunting Smith's, The Misses Elliot of Geneva and Josephine deZeng's diary.

The May 1993, issue 62, brought the first part of a series on commercial sailing on the Finger Lakes by Dick Palmer and the first of a series of essays, "The Hammondsport Glen" by Thomas D. Cornell. Donovan Shilling told of the fabled run of locomotive 999, and Herbert Wisbey wrote of the life and death of Edward H. Rulloff. Completing his series on barns, John Rezelman described the evolution of the present-day barn. This issue concluded Bill Kauffman's tribute to Walter Edmonds, and finished Josephine deZeng's diary.

Audrey Phelps told the story of Painted Post and its monument in the June 1993, issue number 63. An 1833 letter supplied by Elizabeth Holihan told of a boat trip across New York State. Robert Koch wrote of automobiles in Rochester. TCLR visited the Alling Coverlet Museum in Palmyra.

In issue 64, July 1993, appeared the first part of John Martin's account of saving the water-soaked books in the library of the Corning Museum of Glass after the flood of 1972. "The Williamson Road" series by A. G. Hilbert began, and there were reminiscences from The Centennial of Bath of elegant Madam Thornton of Bath in this issue. TCLR visited Rose Hill Mansion this month.

In issue number 65, August 1993, came Warren Hunting Smith's account of the W. & T. Smith Nursery Company in Geneva. Herbert Wisbey wrote about the Robert G. Ingersoll Museum, and Robert Koch wrote about apples in western New York. "Commercial Sailing on the Finger Lakes" and "Resuscitating a Water-Logged Library" concluded.

In CLR 66, the September 1993, issue, began with Robert Koch's "Rural Press on Education & Learning" the first in a series, Education in Earlier Times. Ed Harris wrote about his son and daughter-in-law's experiences running the Dundee Observer from 1967 until 1970. Also beginning this month were chapters from Hannah Lapp's book-in-progress The Grapes of Opportunity. Herbert Wisbey presented notes from Robert C. Bishop's 1871 diary as a schoolmaster near Penn Yan. This month the CLR visited the Cohocton Valley Farm Museum. Thomas Cornell's "Hammondsport Glen" essays concluded, and A. G. Hilbert's "The Williamson Road" series ended with a map of its route. There was also an excerpt from James D. Folts's account about the Williamson Road.

John Rezelman returned in number 67, October 1993, with "Old-Time Retail Food Stores." Robert F. McNamara began the recounting of his trip with two school chums to Canada in 1928. Richard Palmer wrote of the "Kick and Push" railroad and there was a picture of "Old Hulda," locomotive Number 1, on the back page with a poem by Irv Nichols about the Kanona and Prattsburgh Railroad. Sherman S. Rogers's reminiscence of the Country Store Club from his Centennial of Bath Oration was reprinted, and a listing of the issue-by-issue contents of TCLR began. Tom Cornell reviewed Grace Fox's The Sweet Vale of Avoca. "Rural District Schools, Their Books and Teachers", Part II of Education in Earlier Times by Robert Koch, also appeared.

In November 1993, in issue number 68, David Robinson wrote of the mysterious ruin on the Bluff, and Herbert Wisbey extolled the Penn Yan Diner. "Noah Webster's Blue-Back Speller" came as Part III of Bob Koch's Education in Earlier Times. "The Bachelor Party" from the Historical Address of Ansel McCall was reprinted from The Centennial of Bath.

December1993, brought in issue 69, "How Rochester Lamps Helped Light Up The World" by Donovan Shilling, and "Railroad 'Greasy Spoons' Had Their Own Lingo" by Richard Palmer. John Rezelman told his ghost story of the Williamson Road, "A Woodchopper's Tale." "Christmas" a chapter from Anne Gertrude Snellers A Vanished World was reprinted. The Misses Elliot of Geneva by Warren Hunting Smith and The Grapes of Opportunity by Hannah Lapp continued.

Issue Number 70, January 1994, brought "Genealogy 401 by E. R. Van Etten with other family stories. Robert Koch wrote "Tobacco: Rochester Connections" and John Rezelman presented "Tobacco Barns Still Remind Us." Richard Palmer supplied "'Waiting' at Freeville" and another rhyme by Irv Nichols, "Freeville."

In February 1994, number 71, came "Saint George, The Serpent, and The Seneca Indians" by David Robinson, "Horace McGuire and Black Artillery" by Robert Koch, and "Starting Model T Fords" by John Rezelman.

"Photographers of Hammondsport New York" by Richard Sherer, "The Horse Collar King" by Donovan Shilling and the first of "Iroquois Stories," a new series of essays by Tom Cornell, began in number 72, March 1994.

In April 1994, issue 73, the Cornelius Younglove diary prepared by Leonard Wood began with entries from the same month in 1826. Ed Harris brought his springtime story called "Nameless Brook." There were descriptions of 17 kites made by Bill Connors and then on display at Steele Library in Elmira.

CLR 74, the May 1994, issue carried the first half of "Keuka Cottage Boy" by Robert Anderson, and an account of gardening following native American practices by Stephen Lewandowski.

Issue 75, June 1994, presented "A Glimpse At Clinton's Ditch: The First Trips 1819 - 1820" by Richard Palmer, and a map showing the elevations of the Erie Canal. Donovan Shilling wrote about the Genesee River aqueducts. There was also statistical information about the New York State canals.

The July 1994 edition, number 76, featured Paul Worboys' "When Circuses Came to Honeoye Falls." Also there was an article reprinted from the Hammondsport Herald of July 6, 1906, by Walton Williams suggesting that Thomas Paine really wrote The Declaration of Independence. There was an account of the Mike Weaver Drain Tile Museum in the home of John Johnston, and a review of Bill Kauffman's Country Towns of New York.

"The 'Busy Bee' Ferry Boat on Cayuga Lake" by Richard Palmer appeared in the August 1994, CLR number 77, along with a true story by Robert McNamara, "Formidable Miss Fannie," and also an account and picture of Henry DeCamp's stone wall near Weston.

The September 1994, issue 78 brought the beginning of Paul Worboys' series on the Chautauqua movement.

The next CLR, Number 79, October 1994, brought "The Branchport Connection" from Verne Marshall's book, The Roses of Geneva. Robert Anderson wrote "Characters Or Just People," and Herbert Wisbey wrote of the legend of the "Lady in Granite."

"Canandaigua Treaty of 1794" by Robert Koch appeared in the November 1994, edition 80, along with the text and signers of the treaty. Richard Palmer's series on the celebrated Bath and Hammondsport Railroad began.

Robert Koch's "1894: A Vintage Year?" was in the December 1994, issue 81, and there was a special feature by James E. Dierks, recreating in miniature the 1819 McCay/Balcom House on Pulteney Square in Bath by painting, cutting out, folding, and pasting together a paper model of the portico front. This issue also carried the final chapter of Warren Hunting Smith's The Misses Elliot of Geneva.

Number 82, the January CLR of 1995, carried another course in genealogy by E. R. Van Etten, "Genealogy 501." Helena Howard wrote of the descendants of Hopestill Bigelow, and Robert Anderson offered "More Characters or Were They Just People." The final article on the chautauquas by Paul Worboys, "Striking the Tents for the Last Time," appeared in this issue. There was a list of terms commonly encountered in genealogy research, and stories by Shirley Malloy of early Bradford settlers. Donovan Shilling wrote the story of Blanche Stuart Scott, transcontinental driver and early plane flyer.

Ernestine King described with text and pictures the Episcopal Gothic-style wooden church in Addison, New York, for the February 1995, issue number 83. T. N. Smith's diary for the year 1888, edited by John Rezelman began this month. Robert Koch's tales of the early times in Springwater, New York, and a lecture from A. G. Hilbert on Handsome Lake, the Seneca visionary, were in this issue.

More from Verne Marshall's book on the Rose family came in CLR 84, March 1995, this time the story of Esperanza with picture and floor plans. There was also a story by Ed Harris, "Ice Fishermen on the St. Lawrence River," plus an article on popular entertainments in early Rochester by Robert Koch.

Issue 85, April 1995, brought Barbara Bell's story of Charles Cook, the "Father of Schuyler County," and a reprint from the April 26, 1876, Hammondsport Herald, "Incidents of the Early Settlement of Pulteney, NY." by J. W. Prentiss. An article "Farming Near Vine Valley" by Grace Russ was also in this issue.

Chapters from Letters to Suzanna a book written by Barbara Bell began in the May 1995, CLR 86. In the same issue Rochester's Kate Gleason was featured in a story by Donovan Shilling, and a series on the legends and facts concerning Brigham Young's presence in the Finger Lakes by Richard Palmer began. On the back page was the text of a speech thought by some to have been delivered in 1866 at Dresden by Robert Ingersoll.

Robert Anderson described a deed of 1791 in the June 1995, issue 87. Stories of the Wixson family and their old homestead along Waneta Lake by Sandra Brown were in the same CLR.

In number 88, July 1995, Joe Kane recalled the flood of July 8, 1935, and Robert F. McNamara remembered the pitchmen who entertained men and boys in Corning with their sidewalk sales spiels. The same issue had Anne Brewer's Finger Lakes Weavers.

In the August 1995, CLR 89, An Excursion on Board the Keuka Maid brought Richard Sherer's account of Keuka Lake history and a description of lakeshore sites, and also Our struggle to Find Water, a story by Robert Anderson of cottage life along Lake Keuka in the 1930s and 40s.

The CLR 90 in September 1995, had Herbert Wisbey's account of Coates Kinney of Kinney's Corners and Part 1 of Robert Koch's Millers and Millingn in Rochester. The first article on the Canandaigua steamboats from the Ontario County Times of 1922, supplied by Richard Palmer, also appeared.

Helena Howard wrote of household resourcefulness during the depression and wartime for the October 1995, 91st issue. Dick Palmer supplied a story by Curtis Harris about circus man Sig Sautelle. Dick Palmer also provided for the October CLR James Lee's account of the Canandaigua Lake Steamboats that had appeared in issues of the Ontario County Times in 1922.

Then in issue 92, November 1995, came Herbert Wisbey's article about Dresden-born artist Bolton Brown, Robert Anderson's election stories, Grandad's Pole, and David Robinson's recent findings about Canisteo Castle.

Number 93, the December 1995, issue, ended the year with a piece on the year of 1895 by Robert Koch. There was a memoriam for Henry Clune who had lived 105 years with eulogies by Bob Koch and Bill Kauffman. Robert F. McNamara's tribute to Corning school teacher Elizabeth Relihan was featured, and John Rezelman completed a year's review of the 1888 diaries of T. N. Smith. There was also a reprint from the Elmira Sunday Telegram of Dec. 1, 1895, about mythical associations with the last month of the year. Herbert Wisbey supplied this item.

January 1996, issue 94, started with Genealogy 601 by E. R. Van Etten. There was also an account by Jeanne Bleiler of the Lawrence family who lived near Cayuta Lake, and a report on the construction of the Auburn & Syracuse Railroad in the 1830s by Richard Palmer. Selections from Barbara Bell's book, Letters to Suzanna were continuing, and there were excerpts from the journal of Emma Larison Colwell edited by Derek Van Schoonhoven.

Sunday Travel Blue Laws by Robert Anderson came in February 1996, CLR 95, and the first of six essays by Thomas D. Cornell on his quest for what the feeling of the American Revolution had been. David Robinson presented new material on Canisteo Castle, and, on the back page, a picture and the history of Mallory's Mill still standing at the bottom of the glen at Hammondsport.

The March 1996, issue 96, brought the start of Floyd Griswold Greene's autobiographical sketches, along with the first installment of A Newspaper Editor's View of Gettysburg edited by Richard Palmer.

In number 97, the April 1996, issue, Robert Anderson's series on the Kelsey-Harvey Auburn brickyard began, and John Rezelman's essay on pocketknives and the boy's game of mumbledy-peg appeared. The selections from Letters to Suzanna concluded, and the 1996 members of the Steuben County Hall of Fame were noted.

In the May 1996, issue 98, Dave Robinson wrote of new interest in the Bluff Point ruin, and George Dickey wrote about Canisteo Castle. There was J. Terrence O'Herron's recollections of his grandmother's stories about early life in Allegany County.

Number 99, June 1996, brought the opening chapters of Grace Russ's new book about her childhood times on Lake Canandaigua, The Lake!!!, and Jane Davis's story The 'Fielding' of Penn-Yan Bill, Tom Cornell's fifth essay on the American Revolution, and more childhood remembrances by F. G. Greene.

The 100th issue, this edition, for the month of July 1996, includes Bill Kauffman's tribute to Ed Harris, Donovan Shilling's stories of the Society of the Genesee, an announcement of the next meetings of New Society of the Genesee, and this synopsis of the first 100 issues.

The CLR has been supported by the many enthusiastic, talented, and generous writers who have contributed their articles and stories for publication; and by business people who have purchased advertising in the CLR, and the many readers who have bought subscriptions. Click here for the names of the many friends of the Crooked Lake Review.

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