January 1992

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Genealogy Bits


Bill Treichler

The Jo Ho's genealogy group meets on the third Friday of each month at different locations in Chemung, Schuyler, Steuben, and Yates counties. Meetings begin around 10 am and break for a bag lunch period at noon. This is followed by a "round robin" time when each attendee tells of genealogy experiences and new finds.

During 1991 the Jo Ho's met at the Davenport Memorial Library in Bath, the Wayne town hall, a church in Beaver Dams, The Old Brick Tavern, home of the Schuyler County Historical Society in Montour Falls, the Balcom House in Bath, Corning Library, the Montour Falls Library, and at members homes. The February meeting at Helena Howard's home near Rock Stream marked the ninth birthday of the group.

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From William Luther Flint comes this outline of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt's lineages. FDR (1882 - 1945) [9], James R. (1828 - 1900) [8], Dr. Isaac R. (1790 - 1863) [7], James R. (1760 - 1847) [6], Isaac R. (1726 - 1794) [5], Jacobus or James R. (1692c -1760) [4], Nicholas R. or Claes (1658 - ____) [3], Claes (Nicholas) R. from Zeeland to New Amsterdam c.1640 [2], and Marten von Rosenvelt [1].

Eleanor Roosevelt (1884 - 1962) [10], Elliott R., brother of pres. Theodore R. (1860 - 1893) [9], Theodore R. Sr. (1831 - ____) [8], Cornelius V. S. R. (1794 - ____) [7], Jacobus or James (1759 - ____) [6], Jacobus R. (1724 - ____) [5], Johannes R. (1689 - ____) [4], Nicholas (Claes I.) R. (1658 - ____) [3] above, with Claes [2], and Marten [1].

Mr. Flint writes, "Franklin and Eleanor were fifth cousins, once removed. The name was variously spelled, finally becoming Roosevelt (of the Rose Field in Zeeland, Holland)."

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Catherine Brant Pierce writes: My mother, Pauline Cram Brant, who is 86 years old, remembers her grandmother Dora Borst Nebe and knew that she came to this country from Germany. But mother had lost contact with her Nebe cousins, Kenneth and Harry.

After I discovered my great grandmother's gravestone in the Presho, New York, cemetery I went to Doris Warner, a long-time officer of the cemetery association, for records. She recognized the name immediately and said that Kenneth Nebe was her uncle. She gave me his address, I wrote to him and later my husband and I visited him at his home in Tucson, Arizona.

A local inquiry led to finding my mother's cousin and learning more about my great grandparents and their descendants.

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Phyllis Smith Oyer is author and publisher of Oyer and Allied Families — Their History and Genealogy. The book is an update of her 1977 book Frederick Oyer and His Descendants and contains many more families—over 100 altogether—with detailed biographies, illustrations, maps, and sections on the Holland Land Company and the Erie Canal.

Johann Friedrich Eyer (Frederick Oyer) came to America in 1764 as one of dozens of workmen recruited by Peter Hasenclever in the Wuppertal-Neuwled area of Wuertemburg, Germany. He settled in the Mohawk Valley, Herkimer County, New York State, a frontier at the time. He was killed at the Battle of Oriskany in 1777, leaving a family, one child born just the month before. The book follows his family and accounts for the second and third generations completely. It also has much data on allied families.

Many of Frederick's descendants migrated to western New York when land was first made available by the Holland Land Company early in the 19th century, and from there, on to points west.

The hard-covered, 400 page, 6" by 9" book published in September 1988, may be ordered by sending $30 plus $3.50 for postage and handling, and the appropriate NYS sales tax to 263 Bakerdale Road, Rochester, NY, 14616.

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