January 1992

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Rochester Genealogical Society

and other Area Societies


Bill Treichler

The Rochester Genealogical Society is a little over 50 years old and currently has 330 members. The Society meets at the Asbury First United Methodist Church at 1050 East Avenue in Rochester on the third Tuesday of each month, September through June, except December. A genealogist or historian is usually on the program following a short business meeting which begins at 7:30 pm. At 7:00 pm, before the main meeting, there is a mini workshop for beginning genealogists. The public is welcome at all meetings.

Members receive a ten-page newsletter three times a year which contains western New York resource information, notices of events and meetings, member project reviews, research queries from correspondents, new members and their namelists. Dues are $10 a year for a household.

The RGS maintains a membership list and publishes each year a surname index of the names that members are researching. Inquiries received by mail are read at meetings or printed in the newsletter. For information or a list of professional researchers in the area please send SASE.

The Society sponsors a computer interest group which holds separate meetings. It started this year and already has 30 members.

The Rochester Genealogical Society has published Genealogical Guide to Monroe County, NY, 1985, 48p, $7 by mail, and Cemetery Record Holdings of Monroe Co., NY, 163 cemeteries, 49 p, $4.50 by mail. The Rochester Genealogical Society has a new address. It is P.O. Box 10501, Rochester, NY 14610.

Richard Halsey, membership chairman for the RGS, compiled this list of other area genealogy groups:

Central New York Gen. Society
Box 104, Colvin Station
Syracuse, NY 13205
Finger Lakes Gen. Society
P.O. Box 47
Seneca Falls, NY 13148
Kodak Genealogical Club
Employees Activities
Eastman Kodak Company
Rochester, NY 14650
Livingston County Gen. Society
c/o Major Lyman F. Barry
9297 Shaw Road
Route 1, Box 313
Nunda, NY 14517
Ontario County Gen. / Hist. Society
55 North Main Street
Canandaigua, NY 14424
Tri-Town Genealogical Society
Fryatt Memorial Library
901 Main Street
East Rochester, NY 14445
Twin Tiers Gen. Society
P.O. Box 763
Elmira, NY 14902
West Wayne Gen. Society
c/o Helen Burgio
411 Canal Drive East
Macedon, NY 14502
Yates Co. Gen. & Historical Soc.
200 Main Street
Penn Yan, NY 14527

Mr. Halsey writes that there is also a group in Batavia called "Genesee Area Genealogists", but he doesn't know their address.

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