April 1991

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Note from the Editors

John Rezelman leads off this April issue with provocative thoughts about new contenders for garden and farm crops: raccoons, woodchucks, rabbits and deer, whose depredations have become as difficult to escape as those of the insects and microbes. The March/April issue of Country Journal carries John's article about the garden planker, a tool, that he has made and uses.

Donald A. Rowland writes about Francis McDowell and the other men who started the Grange in this country. McDowell was born and spent much of his life in Wayne. Don Rowland is historian for the town of Wayne. He has been collecting information about the McDowell family for years. This article results from his accumulation of material he found in town records, local sources, books, and from information sent him recently by George Spies of Stowe, Massachusetts, who is also interested in McDowell and the other Grange founders.

Robert Koch presents an article on Indian Land Claims. Professor Koch describes the attitude towards land held by the Indians of the New York region. The Indians associated the control of territory with their tribe and used land as common property with their group members. The settlers introduced the concept of private ownership of land which was displacing the old custom of common-use property in Europe.

Edwin Harris contributes another installment from Harpending's Corners. Ed tells about going with several other Dundee boys to see the 1934 World's Fair, and their escapades along the way and in Chicago.

Reverend Robert McNamara contributes a biographical sketch of his father, Thomas Alexander McNamara, Corning's "Doc Mac." Reverend McNamara has just been elected to the Steuben County Hall of Fame, and was inducted to that honor at a ceremony on April 13, 1991. Martin Adsit, Eleazer Lindsley

Another chapter from Caroline Kirkland's A New Home concludes this issue. In this chapter, she describes coming upon a mill raising in Michigan in the late 1830s.

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