September 1989

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Robert Ingersol

at the Penn Yann Fair


The Bath Plaindealer, Saturday, Sept. 28, 1889

Robert Ingersol was a drawing card at the Penn Yan fair Wednesday; 5000 or more were on the grounds, the largest crowd we have seen at the fair in years. The exhibition was about as usual. President Butler has commenced pushing the fair and it will probably grow better and better.

Bob Ingersol just captivated the audience. His address was principally to the farmers, but was interesting to everyone, and interwoven were many bright touches of humor. He commenced by showing up this great country in most glorious phrases.

Then he commenced at ancient farming and brought it down to the farming of to-day, giving farmers good points on bettering their condition. He said farmers should live nearer together, that solitude was one of the unpleasant features of farm life; the only kind of solitude that was enjoyable was the Irishman's, who said he liked solitude only when his girl was with him.

That farmers should not sell the first products of their labor. If they raised grain and corn, sell stock; if they raised grapes, sell wine. Eat the best that they raised and sell what was left.

That farmers' wives should learn to cook better. That the doctrine of eternal punishment started from bad cooking.

Another, not to get up at 3 o'clock in the morning to feed the stock, that the stock wanted to sleep some themselves. Wait until the sun set the example by rising. That in putting so long hours of labor they did not accomplish as much in the end as they would on shorter hours.

Take plenty of newspapers and magazines and then swap with their neighbors. Fix their homes with more conveniences for the women, etc. etc.

—from the Bath Plaindealer

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